Cornus Sanguinea Midwinter Fire 2-3ltr
Dogwoods with colorful bark are commonly cultivated for their vibrant winter display, as their leafless stems illuminate the barren winter garden. The red stems of Cornus sanguinea add a fantastic touch when planted alongside evergreen shrubs and amidst spring blooms.
This variety of Cornus sanguinea is adaptable to various soil types. To maintain its size and promote the most vibrant bark, it is recommended to prune one-third of the stems back to ground level each spring.
Cornus sanguinea 'Midwinter Fire' exhibits particularly striking autumn hues, especially when grown in full sun. Additionally, it produces off-white flowers during the summer, followed by an array of colorful berries.
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Cornus Sanguinea Midwinter Fire 2-3ltr
Sale price£10.99
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